git config Set configuration Variables
git config --global "Your name" Set your name
git config --global "Your email" Set your email address
git config --global core.editor "Your IDE" Set your default text editor
git config --list To list all the settings
git help config To get help while using git
git init To track project in git
git add To track a new file in a project
git commit or git commit -m 'Commit message' To commit after staging a file
git commit -a -m 'Your message' Helps to commit while skipping staging a file(Directly add & Commit)
git commit -amend It overwrites your previous commit
git clone[url] To get a copy of repository
git clone /../../ or git clone file:// To clone a local repository
git status To check which files are in which state
git status -s or git status -short Give simplified output from this command
.gitignore Files that you don't want Git to automatically add or even show you as being untracked
git diff To see the changes in your files
git diff --staged To see what you have staged and want to commit
git diff --cached It shows all the difference between staged files
git rm To remove a file from git
git rm --cached To keep file in working tree but remove it from your staging area
git mv file_from file_to Helps to rename a file
git log or git log -p -2 To see the history of commits
git log --stat To see some abbreviated stats for each commit
git log --pretty=online Helps to prints each commit on a single line
git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an ,%ar :%s" It allow you to specify your own log output format
git log --pretty=format:"%h %s" --graph It adds a nice little ASCII graph showing branch & merge history
git log --since This helps us to check the history of weeks , months
git log --Sfunction_name Shows a commits that introduced a change to the code that added or remove that string
git log --online --decorate --graph --all
git reset HEAD <file> Helps to unstage the commit
git checkout -- <file> Helps to discard or revert the changes
git remote add origin <remote repository URL> Helps to add a remote repo to local repo
git remote add <shortname> <url> To add a new remote repository as a shortname
git remote -v It shows the URLs that git has stored for the shortname to be used when reading & writing
git fetch [remote-name] To get data from your remote repo
git pull [remote-name] To get data from your remote repo
git push -u origin main Upstream the remote branch for local branch
git push [remote-name][branch-name] This works only if cloned from a server to which you have write access & if nobody has pushed in the meantime
git remote show [remote-name] To see more information about a particular remote
git remote rename file_from file_to To change the remote’s shortname
git remote rm <file> To remove a remote file
git tag It helps us to tag specific points in history
git show To see the data along with the commit that was tagged
git push origin [tagname] Helps to transfer tags to remote server
git push origin --tags To push all tags to remote server at once
git config --global checkout or git config --global branch or git config --global commit It helps us to set up git commands for easily use
git branch <branch name> It creates a new branch
git branch -m master main It change the branch name
git checkout <branch name> Helps to switch to an existing branch
git merge <branch name> It helps to merge the branch to the master(main) branch
git branch -d <branch name> Helps to delete the branch when no longer needed
git branch -D <branch name> It helps us to force delete the branch when not done with -d
git mergetool Helps to use the graphical tool to resolve the issue
git branch -v Shows a simple listing of your current branches
git branch --merged To see which branches are merged into the branch you’re currently on
git branch --no-merged TO see all the branches that contain work that haven’t yet merged
git fetch (remote)(branch) It helps to fetch the data from the remote to your local branch
git push (remote)(branch) It helps to push code to remote branch or on server
git checkout -b [branch][remotename]/[branch] To get your own branch from remote branch to your local branch
git branch -vv This lists your local branches with more info., including the branch is tracking or your local branch is a head, behind or both
git push [remote] --delete [branchname] It is use to delete a remote branch
git rebase <branch name> It takes all the changes that were committed on one branch & replay them on another one
git rebase --onto<branch 1><branch 2><branch 3> Checkout the branch 1 , figure out the patches from the common ancestor of the branch 2 & 3 and replay them on branch 1
git rebase [basebranch][topicbranch] Rebase the topic branch on top of the base branch without having to check it
git push --force It is use to overwrite the history on the server when we are using command rebase and collaborating with others
git pull --rebase It is used to fetch and merge changes from a remote repository while also rebasing any local commits on top of the updated remote branch.
git config --global pull.rebase true When you are using git pull & want to make a default rebase
git remote add local_/../../..git To add a local repo to an existing git project
git clone --bare It is used to create a bare repository, which is a special type of Git repository that does not contain a working directory.
git daemon It is used to start a lightweight Git server that allows clients to fetch and push changes to a Git repository over the network.